Now available: POLITmonitor 20.1
Stefan Luder, CEO basis06 AG
The new POLITmonitor now helps you even better to keep track of political business. With the release 20.1 you will receive numerous new functions which will make your work even easier. The most important in brief:
- Simplified tracking and improved overview of your most important political transactions.
- Comprehensive expansion of the reporting functions: So that you can get an overview of your transactions and their status very quickly.
- You also have additional filter options for searching for the relevant transactions for monitoring status, simplified transaction types, agenda date and originator.
- Extended calendar with filter options for transactions that are dealt with in parliaments or commissions.
These are the new features in detail:
Tracking and overview
The business status has been optimized and is now based on business chronology – giving you a faster overview. The last chronology entry is displayed in the search as well as in the reports. If your transaction is soon to be discussed in parliament, it will now be listed as «on the agenda».
Chronology and notification mail
The chronology and the notification mail of your most important transactions have been revised. Now you receive an update of the information by mail.
- When the government responds to an advance
- When a transaction is put on the agenda for a commission (only for national transactions)
- When a business is put on the agenda in Parliament
- When a transaction has been discussed in the Council
Extension search function
We have expanded the search: Now you can search for your business by priority and you have the possibility to search for advances of first signatory members of parliament.
We have standardised the business types: the cantonal business types have been broken down to 17. For example, you will also find suits from Basel-Stadt if you search for postulates.
You can also search for new items on the agenda. Here is an example of use:
You are monitoring various business in the cantonal parliaments and would like to inform your executive committee which business will be discussed in the parliaments before the summer?
Select «Monitored, high priority» (simply click on others while holding CTRL), define the period and export the search result as a PDF. With just a few clicks you will have an overview of when your business will be dealt with.
Extension calendar
The calendar now shows all the business on the agenda of the cantonal or national parliaments and the agendas of the national committees. That’s a lot of entries! This is why you can also display only the transactions you are monitoring or, for example, the agenda items of a particular commission.